Friday 18 September 2009


I thought it was about time I started writing a blog. . .Facebook is boring these days and a blog is so much more personal. I want this to be a place where I can be myself and reflect on what I'm thinking and be an encouragement to many.

My title 'Laughing at the days to come' has been in my mind for many months now, it's a reference to one of my favourite Bible passages, Proverbs 31 - an amazing description of an inspirational woman who loves God with all her heart and as a wife of noble character is loved by many. I aim to reflect this in my own life as I journey on with my wonderful Father God and my fantastic husband Matthew at my side.

I'm sure I'll talk more about my love of Proverbs 31 soon, but if you've not read it I'd encourage you to do so - the book of Proverbs is so full of wisdom. A note to end on - 'Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised', Proverbs 31 verse 30.
